President’s Corner

Clive Kilian, Northern Areas Football Association (NAFA) President.

Clive Kilian - President
Clive Kilian – President


Past Presidents



President of the Eastern Province Soccer Board from 1954 to 1964 and from 1966 to 1977



Mala Moodaley started his association with the Eastern Province Soccer Board on 18th August 1954, when he became the president of the then Eastern Province Soccer Federation.

In June 1954 the Eastern Province Soccer Federation made a number of constitutional changes which lead to the change of name to the Eastern Province Soccer Board.

Mr. Mala Moodaley served as President of the South Africa Referees Association in 1964 to 1970, and again from 1972 to 1974. In 1970, he became Honorary Life Vice- President of the South African Soccer Federation.

Mr. Moodaley also served as Vice- President of the South African Soccer Federation Professional League in 1974, and served as Chairman of the SASF Professional League’s local management committee in 1974.

In 1977, he became Honorary Life President of the Eastern Province Soccer Board.

Mr. Moodaley was the donor of the major trophy in the Northern Areas Football Association – the Mala Moodaley Knock-out Competition. This trophy is one of the oldest and most valuable assets in the Northern Areas Football Association.

This unassuming gentleman led the fight for non-racial football from the front. He was one of the founders of the South African Soccer Federation in 1951. In an address at the first national SASF Tournament in 1952 he wrote:

I feel sure that this unity will contribute to the greater unity of the races and will ………foster that feeling of goodwill that is so necessary in this land of ours, not only in the field of sport, but in our everyday lives in other than sporting spheres.   Apartheid should never be tolerated in sport. There should be equality of opportunity for everyone, irrespective ……of colour or creed.”

We salute our founder,  Mr. Mala Moodaley.


2005  Fairview Rovers                                    2010    Saints

2006   Fairview Rovers                                   2011     Hotspurs

2007   Glenville Celtic                                     2012     Glenville Celtic

2008    Fairview Rovers                                  2013     West Lake

2009    Wolves                                                    2014     Blackpool AFC

2015  Glenville Celtic